
OKEX_PASSPHRASE = passphrase
OKEX_SECRET_KEY = Secret key


Explain of strategy.json

  "symbols": [
			 * Symbol spot type
      "type": "ETH/USDT",
		   * Buy or sell amount by current stage, can not
		   * less than `type` mininal trade amount, this should
		   * can learn from exchange.
		   * The OKEx `ETH/USDT` mininal amount is `0.001`
		   * @example [0.001, 0.002, 0.003, 0.006, 0.008]
      "amounts": [0.001, 0.002, 0.003],
		   * To set the stage to allow buy or sell. The
		   * higher stage you set, the more you chase the decrease.
      "maxStage": 10,
		   * Calculate next buy or sell price based on current price.
		   * @example 0.02
      "change": 0.03,
		   * Safe change base current price,
		   * will convert to percentage, 0.08 = 8%.
		   * If over, will re-calculate the next
		   * buy and sell price.
			 * If this symbol never bought and the price keep increasing,
		   * Assume the state last price is `3943.03`, and keep increasing
		   * over `4158.47`, then will update this symbol next price to
		   * ```
		   * {
		   *   "nextBuyPrice": 4033.7159,
		   *   "nextSellPrice": 4283.2241
		   * }
		   * ```
		   * @example 0.08
      "safeChange": 0.08
      "type": "LTC/USDT",
      "amounts": [0.01, 0.02, 0.03],
      "maxStage": 10,
      "change": 0.03,
      "safeChange": 0.08


Explain of state.json , this is auto-generate and auto-update by workflow and next sell or buy will base this statement, so DO NOT MODIFY this file except you know what you’re doing.

  "symbols": [
      "type": "ETH/USDT",
			 * This is your last trade price AKA current price,
       * and we use this price
			 * to calcuate `nextBuyPrice` and `nextSellPrice` price.
      "price": 3943.03,
			 * If current price is less than this price, will create
			 * and buy order.
			 * Remember, this is the trigger condition, not the order
			 * price.
			 * For example, if current price is `3810.4`, so the order
			 * price is `3810.4`, not `3824.7391000000002` .
      "nextBuyPrice": 3824.7391000000002,
			 * Same as `nextBuyPrice`
      "nextSellPrice": 4061.3209,
			 * This is based on strategy's amounts, assume your amounts
			 * is `[0.001, 0.002, 0.003]`, if first buy order triggered,
			 * it will buy `0.001` amount of this spot,
			 * then the `currentStage` will become `1`, the `nextBuyAmount`
			 * will become `0.002`, the `nextSellAmount` will become `0.001`
      "nextBuyAmount": 0.003,
			 * Similar to above, but opposite.
      "nextSellAmount": 0.003,
			 * Record your buy or sell stage, if this same as strategy's
			 * maxStage, it won't buy anymore until the sell order triggered,
			 * more to see below.
      "currentStage": 4

		 * This is the explaination for currentStage = maxStage.
		 * When currentStage is = maxStage, even if current price is 130
		 * or less, it won't create buy order. If your assets(USDT) are
		 * much enough, you can increase the strategy's maxStage.
      "type": "LTC/USDT",
      "price": 150.6,
      "nextBuyPrice": 146.082,
      "nextBuyAmount": 0.03,
      "nextSellPrice": 155.118,
      "nextSellAmount": 0.03,
      "currentStage": 10